Monday, May 28, 2012

Thank You

I recently decided to start a blog as a way for me to share my knowledge and thoughts regarding the remodeling industry, home improvement trends, and ideas on creating a healthy living space.  This is my first post, and I find it appropriate to post it on Memorial Day.
On this day we remember the men, women, and their families who have sacrificed to ensure that the freedoms and liberties we enjoy will continue into the future. It is because of their service and sacrifice that individuals such as myself can pursue our dreams of owning a business and choosing the career path that aligns with our passions.  No other country affords its citizens the entrepreneurial opportunites that this one does; and no greater opportunities for financial freedom and generosity can be found than those in a society where individuals are free to pursue wealth and success by serving others.  The men, women, and families of our armed services ensure that those liberties are preserved - and it is with a grateful heart that my family and I say thank you.